Fresh water:
Silver salmon are pouring into the Situk,Lost,and Tawah creek by the hundreds on every incoming tide. The fresh water guides are having a good time exploring new options and different styles of getting these awesome fish. There are still Pinks and Sockeye Salmon entering the system, so the Situk itself is completely full of all species of Salmon.
Fishing in the old mans hole has been extremely productive for those that are 60 yrs. of age and over. Upstream of the old mans hole is full of fish, and there are also a good number of fisherman. We are looking at rain coming in next week, and with a possibility of a rise in the water levels, this will spread out the fisherman and the fish, creating even more opportunities for fisherman to explore.
Salt water:
Halibut fishing is still in full swing, and the quality of the fish is fantastic. Several Ling-Cod, and black bass are being caught daily, also a few Silvers here and there in the bay. Some how they bypassed the bay and went up the rivers……
We also love our big groups that arrive every year and always have the big group meals the last night, where they reminisce about the”Big One,That got away” and the ones that made it to the boat.
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